What Jiwo Did... - Everyday Adventures of a Grumpy Little Wolf Entry 5

Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 31, 2015

Such a good week, last week! For both yours truly and the ever so endearing grumpy wolf himself. SOOOOOO MUCH had happened this past week, can't help but look back, and smile. Both Jiwo and I are thankful to such good friends who make each and every day special!

January 25, Sunday -  Not-so-healthy, yet so good kind of mood for food kind of Sunday. 

❤ Jiwo, Laline and Christine started the OCN Bad Guys Marathon. 
It was the crack of dawn... everything was dark and twisted. 
And obviously the food choices became not-so-healthy in an instant. 

❤ The marathon lasted til' the afternoon(from last night's). 
And well, what better way to end it, than with a pizza! (And coke in a wine glass). 

January 26, Monday - A good day, such a good, good, happy kind of day.

❤ It's funny how it's the last day for Laline and Krisha, 
that the office people decided to change the monitor for the desktop. 
(ala-tourist shot for Jiwo, since he wants this moment to be remembered.)

❤ Laline received gifts from the ever so sweet and thoughtful interns...
yet, Jiwo insisted the presents were his. 
Thank you so much Emil and Krisha!
  *sends you two the tightest virtual hugs* 

❤ Jiwo and Sumin reunited once again! 
(They made Laline and Geiya tag along as well!)


He has no intention of sharing his Flat White drink with Laline, no.  

January 27, Tuesday - D-1 of Zen living after months of spending our days in an office. 

 Jiwo woke up Laline with Taho for breakfast! 

 Jiwo forcefully opened the gift Laline received yesterday. 
Laline was happy and chirpy, but Jiwo claimed them all pretty things! 
(poor Laline, indeed)

 It's that time again, where Laline's favorite blue bedsheets gets replaced with pink.
(She hates it soooooo much.) 
Yet one grumpy wolf is having the time of his life... 

January 28, Wednesday - Post office errand day! 

 Since the roads are closed because of road repair,
Laline had to walk from the house to the post office. 
Here we have Jiwo checking if her shoelaces are properly tied. 

 Laline unfortunately got hit with customs duty charges! 
(Here's to saying goodbye to Registered Mail deliveries after 6 long years)

 Here's to new friends! Can't wait to have Joanna see these cuties!
Laline had to stop Jiwo from opening the boxes.
(And for Jiwo to play with them as well!)

 Laline's G10 will now look decent with this new camera bag!

 January 29, Thursday - This clingy and always grumpy wolf 
seems to be missing his good friend, Namjuck. 
He viewed Namjuck's updates in instagram the whole night. 

January 30, Friday - Hanging out with his fellow monster friends makes
[our grumpy yet clingy]
 Jiwo smile. 

 Jiwo met up early with good pal Namjuck to eat at Kuppa
for some fancy pasta and pizza! 

 Thank you Kuppa! The Pizza and Pasta tastes good! - Jiwo

 Their little adventure continues as they arrived at the Korean Cultural Center!

 ...and finally! G-hope and Chimcat appears!
[obligatory selca for this precious moment!]

❤ Before the night ends, these chingus made sure to bond the right way...
 over ice cream! 

❤ Farmacy is such a cute place... full of ice cream and sweet things!

❤ G-hope sharing stories about his dance routines, clingy moments with Chimcat, 
and his passion towards the color GREEN.

❤ One ate so much double chocolate... tsk tsk. 

January 31, Saturday - Such a nice day for a concert.

❤ Upon opening a present Laline received from Joanna, 
and looking at Jiwo's face... 
he is surely not pleased with Laline's manic screaming. 

❤ On our way to the MOA Arena for a magical night with Mr. MB. 

❤ This grumpy wolf became all jumpy when the lights went out... 

❤ Amongst the crowd, one grumpy wolf sang his heart out!
He even squealed whilst Mr. Bublé himself went near his area.
[Taken By: Christine]

Photos: Laline, Ate Anne, G-Hope and Christine.
Photos Taken with: Laline's IPhone, Ate Anne's IPhone.
Editor-in-Chief: Jiwo
Not-so-healthy Sleeping Cycle brought to you by: Korean Dramas (OCN's Bad Guys and Pinocchio)
Food explorations for the nth time: Thanks to our good and patient friends
Shitty Day of the week brought to us by: The Customs Officer and his baseless customs regulations.
Chimcat and G-Hope's Travel Expenses: K2POP
Laline's Comfortable Running Shoes: Nike Hong Kong, you da best! 
Michael Buble Concert Tickets: To my dearest Papa, you da best! 

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