Manners maketh man.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 11, 2015

Whilst on our vacation in Vigan, my sister and I was in this Milk Tea place(We drank there twice., in two different days.). As the majority of people in facebook is freaking out because apparently people got poisoned by drinking Milk Tea, I would like to clarify I was drinking iced "infused from a tea bag" kind of tea. It's a fruit tea type.

And with that all out the table:

As we decided to walk around the areas of Vigan again, I cleared out our table and waits for the owner to get the trash I personally cleared out. Then this family composing of the Mother, daughter, and son appeared. 

I was clearly drinking my fruit tea in silence. 

Mother: : Wag kayo uminom nyan anak, wag tayo bumili dito. aba malason pa kayo. 
[Don't drink things like that kids, let's not buy from this places. You might get poisoned.]

My sister and I heads out the Tea store, and clearly the three followed. 
My sister was taking pictures of me whilst drinking tea.

Daughter: Oo nga, ayoko nyan, malason pa ako. 
[I agree, I don't like that drink, I might get poisoned.]
Mother: Wag kayo uminom nyan, aba eh nakakalason. 
[Don't drink that, okay? It's poisonous.]
Son: Oo nga, sabi sa facebook nakakalason yan. 
[That's true, that's what it says on Facebook. Its poisonous.]

I have spent three days, and two nights with this family. I have never done anything wrong to these people. Nor, have I ever said a word against them. For I don't even give a shit who they are because I'm travelling with my family, and my family alone. 

Never have I ever felt so cornered and attacked in my life. I am lucky enough to live my life in such an environment where I'm surrounded with such nice people who are polite, well mannered, and high sense of integrity. 

But to have been bitched about, right in front of my face was just way out of the line. I have no idea what goes on in the mind of this family to even do that. The problem with opinions is that even the lowest of all of mankind are even allowed to have them. 

If I was not as patient, composed, and nice enough to walk away after that ambush happened. I have one thing to say: Before you criticize somebody else whilst drinking tea, or by doing nothing wrong at all, keep in mind that you are probably a piece of  godawful looking piece of shit. 

I told myself to keep it classy whilst in the process of writing this rant post. But I was drinking tea in the process. And nobody messes with me whilst drinking tea. It's a known Laline SOP. Oh mankind, oh people, oh life. 

To wrap this whole post up, I shall quote one of my favorite ecards that I obsessed with on pinterest.

Sometimes I feel sorry for judgemental people, 
and their boring lives. 
Other times I'm jealous.
I wish I had that much time to worry about things that are none of my business. 

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