Video Blog: South Korea 2014

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

March 14, 2015

It honestly took me a long while to actually sit down and talk about this. For I still don't want to let go of everything.

Last year, I was lucky enough to travel to South Korea with my good friend Mona. I was ecstatic. Never have I ever felt this paranoid and excited at the same time. I planned my outfits, the whole itinerary, with all those excel files and things like that. It was that special to me. And I don't want to waste anything. I had it all planned out.

This trip for me felt like those trips people get after they graduate from college. It was such an awakening. South Korea is such a convenient place filled with nice people willing to help. Everything was just out of the ordinary.

I met so many kind strangers throughout the whole trip. Even tore a hole in one of my favorite tights.

And with this vlog marks the end of my longing. It is by far the most memorable overseas trip I've had to date. I sorely miss you South Korea. The land of coffee shops, divine food, surreal mega structures, THE BEST WIFI EVER, and the home of the man I like and adore.

I'll come back, I promise. You just wait. 

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