What Jiwo Did... - Everyday Adventures of a Grumpy Little Wolf: ILOCOS EDITION.

Monday, April 27, 2015

It's Jiwo's first ever out of town trip! 

A first of hopefully many travels that the two of us will be having together! 
Since there are no out of the country trips planned yet, 
It's nice for Jiwo to see another part of my country.
That is not my home or an hour drive to Tagaytay. 

Travel Essentials: 

Trusty Seokjin Pillow. A tub filled with M&Ms. Sunglasses. Camera.

 First Stop: Vigan. 

The best preserved example of a Spanish colonial town in Asia. 

*cue embarassing yet obligatory emo tourist shot* 

Second Stop: Hidden Gardens for Lunch.

Pretty bunny shrub. 

Since it is so hot, it is only necessary to try out Ilocos' local dirty ice cream to cool down. 

Third Stop: Sand Dunes

This is not as comfortable as it looks. I felt sorry for Jiwo. 
The sand was so hot! 
I salute you Jiwo for being such a sport, and an A+ muse. 

Contemplating whilst buried in the sand. 

Fourth Stop: Windmill Farm and Rock Formation

Blurred rock formation view, because Jiwo is the point of all this. Yup. 

The few was breathtaking despite the number of people within the place. 
Mother Nature is so awesome. 

Cooling down by the souvenir store. 

Fifth Stop: Pagudpud. 

The water looked so good, despite the waves. 

An effort to kind of sunbathe. 

Last stop: Patapat Viaduct.

Photos and places in this post is not really the entirety of my Ilocos adventure. I consider this the highlights of the trip. The places that took my breath away. Philippines is such a beautiful country. Here's to more local adventures with people closest to my heart. 

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