What Jiwo Did... - Everyday Adventures of a Grumpy Little Wolf Entry 13

Monday, April 27, 2015

Since Laline is not good with dealing post-vacation priorities (i.e. my weekly blog entries)
I have decided that it is only fitting for me, Jiwo, to take over her blog.
To be able to write everything myself, instead of pesky towards Laline during her writing process.
WARNING: This post could be longer as expected. And image heavy. 

April 5, Sunday

Hot summer is definitely here.
I try to cool down with iced Earl Grey tea on a regular basis. 
You could blame Laline for my tea drinking habits. 
She's a bit tea crazy, you know. 
Also, I'm stuck with this annoying canine, Loki. 
Who licks me ALOT whenever he gets the chance, it's quite annoying to be honest. 
But I guess I'm stuck with him now. 

April 6, Monday

This is a photo of me, giving Laline the bitch face...
Since she's neglecting all her planned blog posts,
all gets pushed, especially my adventures that I want to share with 
each and everyone of you.

April 7, Tuesday

Hiding behind the curtain, because I CAN. 

April 8-11: Ilocos Vacation

April 12,  Sunday

Laline is practically in love with this new notebook she got. 
I was honestly irritated with how she treats it. 
One thing is for sure though, I am still better than that notebook. 

April 13, Monday

A "Prince" Alpaca arrived in our territory. 
Laline named him Jinpaca.
Imagine my brother, Jiro and I's disapproving looks. 
He's not of our kind. That is for sure. 

April 14, Tuesday

It was black day. 

April 15, Wednesday

Laline gave me all the salad. 

April 16, Thursday

I really wanted to cook, I really do. 
But Laline felt like a genius by putting me in a soup pot instead.
I am obviously not amused. 

April 17, Friday 

Jinpaca sure thinks he's the star of the show. 
Laline had to move her Seokjin section of her shelf, 
for safety reasons. 
Oh canines, oh alpacas. 

April 18, Saturday

Fast and the Furious. 
One last time. 

April 19, Sunday


April 20, Monday 

Laline started this review of hers. 

April 21, Tuesday

Multiplication Table. 

April 22, Wednesday


April 23, Thursday

Laline slept after her study session.
Therefore she was not able to take a photo of me. 

April 24, Friday

Laline survived her review week! /phew
She actually made it out alive!

April 25, Saturday

Reflectin on how MINDBLOWINGLY AWESOME Avengers: Age of Ultron is. 

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