What Jiwo Did... - Everyday Adventures of a Grumpy Little Wolf Entry 12

Saturday, April 04, 2015

After a much needed 1 week modelling hiatus, Jiwo's back!

 March 23, Monday
Flash running away from me. (And I don't give a shit.)

March 24, Tuesday
My friend here is sporting a topknot, and I want to commemorate it with a photo.

March 25, Wednesday

March 26, Thursday
Japanese Food. 

March 27, Friday 

March 28, Saturday
Ye!! is the best Bluetooth speaker everrrrr!

March 29, Sunday 

March 30, Monday
Laline has this thing with the natural light setting. 

March 31, Tuesday
The letter C. 

April 1, Wednesday 
Adorable April. 

April 2, Thursday 
Like those people on Tumblr. 

April 3, Friday 
On J-Horse

April 4, Saturday 

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