Done Watching, 2018: Capturing the Friedmans (2003), Review

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

"Who do you believe?"

Warning: The documentary includes discussion of possessing child pornography and sodomy toward young boys.

I watched this film without prior knowledge of what it was about.
(You should too. It makes the viewing much more leveled and interesting.)

Capturing the Friedmans is about a seemingly normal upper-middle-class family from the quiet town of Great Neck, New York. Whose lives turned around as the father and their youngest got arrested and charged for disgustingly horrible crimes.

I got the file for this documentary for as long as I could remember, and I had it because I saw it listed as a great documentary on this list I randomly saw online.

I had no idea what I was in for, heck I don't know what it was going to be about. So as the whole story presented itself to me, and I was just shocked, disgusted, and sad at how this was all real. Too real.

Given the dark subject matter presented, one thing stood out for me, and that is the fact that Capturing the Friedmans is very well made. The family videos, to how everything was chronologically and neutrally presented. This film does not push its own views on you, it gives you the leeway of figuring that out yourself, and that is outstanding.


  • Compelling.
  • Raw. 
  • Balanced.


  • Deeply disturbing on so many levels.
  • This is the first thing I watched in the month of February. 

If there is one thing that I could take out from watching this documentary, that would be to be more careful in selecting the things I am to watch. Though the luxury of knowing nothing can be helpful in terms of viewing without bias - some can just be like Capturing the Friedmans, a subject matter so real and so dark that I felt literally shaken to my core.

This one is not for everyone and should be watched with an open mind. But one thing I can assure you though, it's a good one. 

Hello! My name is Caroline and I own this blog!

I like watching things, and I love talking about them. In order to bring back life to my slowly dying blog, I have decided to post reviews of the things I have watched here in this place. Not to mention my low-key obsession with taking screen captures. I used to do little thread reviews on my twitter, which I still do to this date. I also have a dedicated Tumblr where I dump most of my screen caps.

It would be nice to know what you think of the thing I watched in this post as well. Or if you have any suggestions on what should I watch next, comment below or reach me thru twitter. You can also ask questions on my curious cat profile!

Thank you for taking the time and reading this review. It really means a lot to me. ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡

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