The June Narrative: Saying Goodbye to my Inner Child

Saturday, June 06, 2015

June 06, 2015
Your worst fear

I actually have a draft ready for this post. But I figured I had to scratch that and write once again.

Since I stumbled upon this topic, in all honesty, I never really think of what my worst fear really is. I may have an issue with seeing seeds, lizards, huge bigger than my thigh-size kind of rats, vegetable, and seeing Seokjin with some girl. But those were fears that could actually just pass me. I could be okay once I get over it.

And thinking about it now, I guess one of my considered worst fear is growing up. I'm lucky to have been raised good by my parents. I had bad and good friends along the way, but not really have the ones that could lead you to a hell hole.

Recently, I have come to realize that most of the people around me are starting to act like an actual adult. Not that I have a problem with that, it's their lives. I am open with change. But sometimes I get the pressure of actually acting like one too. And it's really hard for me to keep up. Not that I'm being such a bitch about it. But these individuals tend to throw away some things in their lives that were actually light and fun. They tend to avoid these things whenever I bring it up that I am left in this place where I get this thoughts of pressure. You can't help but think if you should let go of this part of me as well, because this person did.

But then again, note to self... that person decided that on himself. It's not you, it's that person. If that person decided to avoid that part from now on, so be it.

I may be a little childish at times, when it comes to my interests.  But those are the things that helps me cope. All these parts of me, that has the inner child in each part, they make me. If majority of the likes of me let go of their inner kid, let them be.

As for me, I guess I just need to stop thinking about the pressure. Thinking about the norms. This is who I am. I am Laline. I love collecting toys. I love having cute stuff around me. Korean culture (music, tv show, movies, dramas) makes my stress away. Watching Youtube videos are a part of my everyday routine. I have a toy named Jiwo who I bring with everywhere I go, no matter how hard the circumstance is. I have lots, and lots of things to say. And those things, I won't let go of. Regardless if people close to me let go of theirs.

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