2015: January Favorites

Thursday, February 05, 2015

February 3, 2015

In the spirit of documenting... I bring to you my favorite things all throughout the month of January.

1. Jiwo

There is no denying it, this baby boy had become the apple of my eye(Seokjin will always be the first on the list, do not worry) since he arrived. He is such a precious little grumpy monster, I can't help but just look at him and giggle. 

A lot of you might be asking, why on earth is he called Jiwo? 

Being supposedly called Jin Wolf, I found it kind of long and repetitive. And in a way, I don't like the idea of calling someone Jin, for I have one special person named Jin in my life, and I intend to keep it that way. *wink wink* 

Jiwo, is the shortened version of the name Jin Wolf, coined by Ate Anne(thank you). I also considered, and fell in love with it for the reason that I was way into the song Jiwo(지워) by Hyolyn x Jooyoung. 

He's been with me since the last half of 2014, and the beginning of 2015.I loved the idea of documenting his adventures each, and every day with yours truly. He makes everything more fun.

He is such a precious being for me, and for sure, I don't really know what I'll do if I'll lose him.

2. Journal

I loved the idea of keeping a personal journal. It just keeps me in place. I once tried switching to an e-journal a.k.a. my iPad, but it felt so beyond me, and I just don't like the feel of it. I loved writing, and that will never change, and here I am again back with this precious journal.

I bought this journal during my Korea trip. So it's a really special one indeed. I loved how simple and classy it is. And it is just the right size to fit in my bag. It's basically portable. I love it. Love, love, love, love it... 

3. Blog Diary

To be honest, I never really expected to be able to blog this long. To the point that I also dedicated, and recycled this old calendar book into my blog diary. I bought this thing a years ago to give away for Christmas to friends. Then one day, I decided to play with the date stamp I got... and well you get the whole thing. This diary keeps me on track with everything I should do, and post in this blog. It's really handy. It also goes with the parisian theme of my 2015 personal diary, which I love,

4. Lip Things

I'm never really the makeup kind of girl. I only put some essential stuff on my face to look decent. During the last month and the beginning of the year, I found myself trying out on actually applying lip stuff. Since I can't put tinted moisturizer and/or foundation on my face everyday, I loved the fact that I can just put on a lip tint or lipstick, and I'll look decent in an instant. I would like to thank Ate Anne for opening up a new world for me. I never am really fussy with stuff like this, but whilst reflecting, I might need to reconsider my ways and invest on things like makeup, for it really does make changes. 

5. [The Stars] by 防弾少年団

If I'm really honest with you... I have no idea how to start, and where to start about my whole obsession with this song. It's such a feel good and empowering song, I loved everything about it. And the fact that I can actually understand each and every word(for it's a japanese single) helps too. 

It's been a consistent member of my shower song playlist, and til' now, it's not even close to being removed from it. And I intend to keep it that way. 


What I also loved this month are these stationery that my intern, Krisha gave me for our last day in the embassy! They're perfect for my journal writing and note taking needs! I have no words, thank you so much, Krisha! 

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