What Jiwo Did... - Everyday Adventures of a Grumpy Little Wolf Entry 6
Saturday, February 07, 2015
February 7, 2015
It's a special week of hellos and emotional goodbyes for our dearest little grumpy wolf. Another week done, and another one to conquer! Here's to more good food, good friends, and epic adventures!
February 1, Sunday - Welcoming the Month of February with ever so lovely Hoseok.
February 2, Monday - Epic Day. EPIC Night.
❤ Someone found himself his destined fruit juice drink.
❤ Someone found himself his destined fruit juice drink.
❤ Laline bought this Php175 worth of decadence and sin.
❤ The squad is together once more, and for the last time with dear little Chimcat.
(And to celebrate #BTS600Days too!)
❤ Cue obligatory photo with the big round sign...
❤ The little monsters agreed upon the yummy almond pudding cake.
❤ That default we-are-awesome-and-cool-friends-lying-down-like-this shot.
[Shot by Ate Anne]
❤ "We are not facing the camera because we are cool like that..." shot
[Shot by: Ate Anne]
❤ "Hyungs are trying to take a candid shot so I must photobomb" shot by Chimcat.
[Shot by: Ate Anne]
❤ And then as the night progresses, they left Jiwo out of the fun...
[Shot by: Ate Anne]
❤ Even having the nerve to stack themselves... leaving Jiwo standing on his feet.
[Shot and Collage by: Ate Anne]
❤ To cap off this EPIC night, the hyungs starts giving Chimcat things to remember
before the little one leaves to the land of TEA, HARRY, and THE ROYAL FAMILY.
We will miss you sooooooooooo muchie, CHIMCAT!
❤ On the way home, Jiwo stopped by the nearby neighborhood park...
...and he kinda got caught in a bit of a tricky situation.
❤ FINALLY! Laline got back to her senses and helped Jiwo out of his misery.
Such a good night, an epic, good kind of night.
February 3, Tuesday - The disappearance of the EPIC rainbow cake.
February 4, Wednesday - PINK.
❤ Fast Food and Big Bang Theory is such a good mix.

❤ And much to Jiwo's surprise... his big brother arrived!
[obligatory selca... yes]
❤ Laline forced these two brothers to sit down,
and watch Tamako Market with her whilst she's resting.
February 4, Wednesday - PINK.
❤ Fast Food and Big Bang Theory is such a good mix.
❤ Laline's Mom got her a new wireless mouse,
and Jiwo seem to have developed a fascination towards it.
❤ The color pink seem to be so abundant today,
for Jiwo enjoyed newly washed PINK bed sheets.
❤ Laline was getting ready to write blog drafts whilst on a Bob's Burger's marathon,
and whilst taking a photo of her setup... one little wolf just had to ruin everything.
(sneaky... very sneaky.)
February 5, Thursday - JIRO's arrival.
❤ One big box arrived out of nowhere...
❤ And much to Jiwo's surprise... his big brother arrived!
[obligatory selca... yes]
❤ Laline decided to call him Jiro, because he reminds her of Totoro.
❤ Please look forward to more adventures of Jiwo and Jiro!
February 6, Friday - Bro-time!
❤ Busy.
❤ Laline forced these two brothers to sit down,
and watch Tamako Market with her whilst she's resting.
February 7, Saturday - GREEN.
❤ Time to water the plants.
❤ Time to water the plants.
❤ Someone developed a liking to Basic Black tea,
and decided to seize the opportunity to drink more whilst Laline is not looking.
Photos: Laline, Ate Anne
Photos Taken With: Laline and Ate Anne's iPhone
Editor-in-Chief: Jiwo
Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Jiro
With Special Appearances of: J-Hope, Namjuck, G-Hope, and Chimcat, the color PINK.
Jiro's Korean Provider: K2POP Online Shopping Mall
Food Provider: Allowance from Laline's Dad, thank you very much!