Done Watching: September

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Now here is everything I watched for the month of September:

- The contents of this post are arranged by order of when I finished watching said show or film. - 


This movie came in as a surprise watch for me. I never really planned on watching it(never will), but because of my sister's recent obsession with the JOSHLIA pairing and so... this happened. 

It's not phenomenal. At most times I really want to erase the James character in this for being annoying(don't even get me started on the fact that he doesn't know how to act). For me, what made this work is the little moments including the main pair. Which brings us to JOSHLIA's chemistry, which saved this movie in a sense (it's still not that great, though.). But I guess if you have time to waste and adoration towards both Joshua and Julia, you'll find the motivation to enjoy the movie. 

三生三世十里桃花 [Once Upon A Time], 2017

Well, this was a waste of time. I remember telling myself not to even check it out before it even came out. But I don't really listen to myself that much, I guess? Because this movie is on this list. 

The amount of ugly-ass CG, weird characters and just confusing mix of everything I do not like - that was this movie is to me. But the two people adore together is in this sadly. The only great thing about it is the two leads' team up and nothing more.

君と100回目の恋 [Kimi to 100 Kaime no Koi / The 100th Love with You], 2017

Oh, dear. There is so much stuff I have on this one. For me, this movie is both a swing and a miss. At first viewing, I had somewhat the time of my life. I have waited for this moment. I've always followed through Kentaro's career. I've always watched his stuff may it be bad or good. That's how dear he is to me. And with the release of this movie, I had the time of my life feeling the feels. To the point that I watched it numerous times. It wasn't that phenomenal, it was to me on my first viewing. But as I to watch it over and over I get to see some of its flaws.

We've all had a taste of Japan's phase with time traveling love stories. I'm honestly kind of sick of it.But this one was decent enough to make me not quit it. I love the look of this movie as well, it was beautifully shot. The leads complement each other. The soundtrack is just right to make you obsess about it. I liked this movie to the point that I found myself looking for the physical copy of the DVD and was ready to buy it. It's a nice movie with its ups and downs. Don't watch it several times all in one go like me though, because you might get sick of it at some point. 

きょうのキラ君 [Kyō no Kira-kun / Today's Kira-kun], 2017

Taishi has so much stuff out, that I even had to watch his earlier works just to warm up to him. But funny enough, he doesn't really get my attention to his projects. My attention goes to the people around him in said projects and the story itself. That's what happene with me in Kyou no Kira-kun.

Marie Iityo was such a surprise to me. She's adorable in this movie. Everything she does in this movie is just the cutest - I never really paid attention to others. The story was decent, I guess - a big ball of shoujo cliches rolled into one. And Marie Iitoyo I believe is the saving grace of this movie. She nailed Ninon in every way possible. And if it's not for her - I might've stopped watching the movie altogether.

ぴんとこな [Pin to Kona], 2013

This is a drama I discovered through a random fanmade video. And to be honest with you, I never expected to like it - in the end I did. This is one of those doramas that I instantly became a trash for. It's not groundbreaking. The acting wasn't that phenomenal. It could be considered kinda mediocre, but I liked it. 

I've watched a Yuta Tamamori in Seishun Tantei Haruya before, and I liked him in that show as well. I don't know what it is with him, that got me thinking he's fun. The roles he took so far are fun for me, and his character in Pin to Kona is one of the prime examples of that. I had fun watching this spoiled privileged kid realizes life stuff and actually work his ass off at the same time pursue this cute girl. Though the love story in this dorama got kinda tiring in the end, I still liked it. For I've always liked the idea of the chase. And boy he chased her so much in this drama - that even made me believe he's the second lead instead.

洋菓子店コアンドル [Yougashiten Koandoru / Patisserie Coin de rue], 2011

The first time I tried to watch this movie, I actually gave up after the first 2 minutes. It felt so slow and it's rare for me to like slow movies. And in second viewing - since I was honestly bored at that time, I was able to finally finish it.

The food shots were great, the story is nice. Overall it was nice, but I honestly wasn't really into it. The pace ruined it for me, but hey... it looks damn pretty.

ごめんね青春! [Gomen ne Seishun! / Saving My Stupid Youth], 2014

This was suggested to me by one of the first people I know and have met through the internet after I watched Drowning Love since I really liked Shigeoka Daiki in the movie. A month or so had passed and still in my KDRAMA slump - I decided to finally check this one out. AND I FREAKIN' LOVED IT! 

The first few minutes, I was hooked with the humor. The fun and the puns! If you know or is studying/have studied Japanese, I think you'll get what I mean. And gosh, Ryo. Nishikido Ryo. I loved him since like I was in the junior year in high school and seeing him in this dorama further strengthens my adoration for him. And don't get me started on the kids as well! They're so hilarious! Every episode is a step in terms of the fun factor at the same time not really losing heart. There were some offensive jokes at times too, which I still don't know how to respond. But overall, I ended this show with a smile on my face. 

학교2017 (School 2017), 2017

The only Korean drama to date that I finished and tuned in to(along with the web drama Love Playlist Season 2). As part of the school series, it goes with the typical school formula of love, friendship, school corruption and crazy parents. And to be honest with you, I'm getting sick of it.

The only factor as to why I even tuned in is because I liked the people in this. They had cute moments. But most of the time, there were moments where I just want to skip scenes because I'm getting sick of the frustrating situations this show was giving. Let's not forget to acknowledge the fact that the show is pretty, most of the time I get really happy with how the shots were coordinated. But after 5-6 episodes, I started to see the pattern in how the show was edited, so it kind of got a bit repetitive and lazy for me. But I guess, the overall it all comes down to the "kids", who has issues and got me invested in rooting for them. They played their part well, and that should be appreciated.

にがくてあまい [Nigakute Amai / Bittersweet], 2016

Another discovery thanks to a fanmade video. Nigakute Amai took a lot of effort from me since I never saw an easy link where to find it, I had to like the search for it as well as the subs (though I'm also fine with watching it raw).

Though I kind of am supposed to be familiar with the scenes since I've watched it through a fan vid first. I liked that I was still able to experience the bittersweetness of it despite that. I loved how it was shot, there were some cheesy moments, Mackenyu is here as well! Though the ending felt kind of short - I was alright with that.

이불 밖은 위험해[It's Dangerous Beyond The Blankets], 2017 - Episodes 1-3

I decided to check this show out because my sister liked the new kid called Daniel. And so here I am, watching a variety show I am not sure of. And I must say, this show could probably be the definition of clickbait in korean variety in terms of marketing.

It started out alright. the first four boys were what I felt like the right mix. But then the show keeps on adding missions, other stuff, and other people that it seemed kind of a desperate move. The messy editing is not helping either. It has its moments, and I could see the idea blossoming. But at times I never liked how the captions seem so stereotypical of homebodies. Not to mention the all-out exploitation of Highlight's Junhyung, EXO's Xiumin and Daniel to make people watch it.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle, 2017

As a fan of the first movie, I'm just massively disappointed. Everything I loved about the first movie is not in this one. So much stuff was packed into this movie that it just resulted into a giant piece of shit, sadly.

아버지가 이상해 [Father is Strange], 2017 - Episodes 1-52

I knew of this show when I randomly watched one episode when I was still in Korea. But unlike most, I honestly just finished this (along with my sister) because of these two:

So I can't really "review" it as a whole, as I skipped A LOT. And only watched Ra Young and Cheol Soo scenes. It was fun, and hilarious (though I don't like most of the stuff about it, to be honest), would recommend it to patient family drama lovers!

ReLIFE [リライフ], 2017

I've read the manga once but grew tired of it after a few chapters. Never really watched the anime - but I have it on my HD. Given that, I only knew the beginning of the source material and never really know what is supposed to unfold whilst watching this film.

First thing I noticed would probably the look of this movie. It's pretty and well shot which is always a good thing. Then I got so confused when a cheesy anime-like opening inserted itself, so I guess they're going for that anime style which clicked to me as I watched it. Going into this, I felt kind of lukewarm overall. I didn't really like the fact he's 27 is currently in his 17-year-old self. But eventually, that feeling of mine changed with how the storytelling handles that fact in a mature, non-creepy way as it's more than just the fact that he's 17 again, it's more about how he now handles situations and what's around him, given his ReLife. Though I sadly did wasn't really totally invested in the end, I would still recommend it since it's not bad. A coming of age - take two, plus the whole thing was shot so prettily, so... yeah.

The Royals, 2015 Season 2-3

We reached the last one on the list, and oh boy... I have so much feels. This is surprise, surprise... another discovery from a random youtube fanvid. I do remember watching this show on TV before, but that was Season 1, and nobody really talks about Season - everyone pretends that doesn't exist.

I watched this show backwards due to the fact that I got Season 3 first and was waiting for my Season 2 download to finish. And I had the time of my life. I watched this with one aim - to satisfy my shipping heart. And I finished this show heartbroken and longing in a good way. And Willow, oh dear sweet Willow. She's the only person I want to get a proper storyline in this show. And given her track record, I believe that is attainable. The more I watch it, the more I get sucked into it, it's crazy! I can't wait for Season 4!

 (because they were a waste of time):

臨床犯罪学者 火村英生の推理 [Rinsho Hanzai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri], 2016
海の上の診療所 [Umi no Ue no Shinryoujo / Clinic on the Sea], 2013


What's the show/movie/drama you loved in the past month? What do you think of the stuff I've watched? I'd like to know your thoughts as usual!

I'm currently uploading the stuff on (screencaps, gifs and stuff) since I need diskspace, so you could check that out as well!

And lastly, I mostly do my initial recaps on my twitter(though I tend to spam), do give me a follow if you want and say hi! ♥~(‘▽^人)

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