What Jiwo Did... - Everyday Adventures of a Grumpy Little Wolf Entry 9

Sunday, March 01, 2015

February 28, 2015

What on earth happened? Life happened.

Pardon the ridiculous trying-hard-to-be-cheesy intro, some things cannot be prevented in the life of Laline and Jiwo. Which eventually results to late posts and other stuff. Fear not, for Laline is doing all she can to bounce back from her groove, as well as fix the week-late blog posting routine.

And with that said... here's another round of Jiwo's everyday adventures!

February 22, Sunday

February 23, Monday
French Fries pig-out with Christine. 

February 24, Tuesday

February 25, Wednesday
After the long wait... NOW 2 is finally with us! 

February 26, Thursday
Darth Vader: "No TK421, he is not the droid you are supposed to be looking for."

February 27, Friday
By the passenger's window.

February 28, Saturday
Guarding some valuables from a monster. 

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