
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I once read that one of the delights of life is eating with friends. I don't know if you could tell already through my blog posts that I don't go out that much. I always prefer to stay at home and be in my cave, watching tv shows and all that. 

But I am thankful to have friends who force me to explore the great unknown that is outside.

To have spent more than a year each and every day with these people, they're practically my family. We've been through a whole lot already, from the invasion of KPOP, to everyday stress, bumps, and road trips. And to be reunited like this once more warms my heart. 

I missed the laughter. The looks we give each other whenever someone's remark comes off as cringe worthy. The loving banters, and the endless effort to have someone to love KPOP full time. 

Things may have changed a bit for us. But I am grateful to still have them with me. Here's to more Monday after work dinners... 

Thank you Mona, Saaaaab, and Ate Nash for last night! 

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